- PopulateR::AdultsNoIDNon-partnered synthetic people
- PopulateR::AllEmployersEmployers and employees, by industry
- PopulateR::BadRelsSynthetic people restricted to an age range
- PopulateR::EmployerSetSynthetic employers and their employee counts
- PopulateR::GroupInfoThe proportion of people in a relationship, by age band within sex
- PopulateR::InitialDataframePeople in age groups, in the Timaru District
- PopulateR::IntoSchoolsFour person households, with a school status for each person
- PopulateR::LeftSchoolSchool leavers
- PopulateR::NetworkMatrixThe number of contacts for 5000 person
- PopulateR::Ppl4networksSynthetic people living in the Timaru District
- PopulateR::RegionalStructureSex/Age pyramid for teenagers in the Canterbury Region
- PopulateR::SchoolsToUseSchools and their roll counts
- PopulateR::SingleAgesSex/Age pyramid data for Timaru District
- PopulateR::TownshipSimulated township
- PopulateR::WorkingAdolescentsAdolescents with a school status and employment hours